
My favorate singer!(part1)

Do you know Kazuyoshi Saito. I like him because his voice is very sexy and he is cool.

He was singing on PONKIKKI-ZU. I think that you know "歩いて帰ろう". This song is sang by him.

When I was child, I like this song and always sang this song!, but I don't know singer's name in those days.

I have never known him, but I met his song last year!

I listened to his song "愛に来て" on CM of e-ma のど飴. When I listened this song, I was addicted to him!! I saw him for the first time!!

Now, I bought his best album and listen to all of his song every day!!

I'm gave energy and healing by his voice. Please listen to his song!! I love him!!

*This picture is very cool!!!!!!!! This picture is set my cellphone☆

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