

↑This picture's person is TAKAHIRO.

I watched レコード大賞 with my mather in my home, because my mather liked EXILE!

Especially, she likes AKIRA who is back dancer of EXILE because she say that his dance is very sexy.

I do not understand her mind, but I know reason why his dance is very sexy when I watched this TV program.

His dance is a litte different other dancer.

↑This picture's person is MAKIDAI who is also back dancer of EXILE.

But, I like MAKIDAI better than AKIRA because I feel that his dance is tender.

Change the talk......

EXILE means



What mean is EXILE gave?-----I do not know.

Someday, I want to research this mean.


Christmas Card

I send Christmas Card to Mr. Suikou who teached me in international relations arbement's class.

I learned about world affairs from him. His class was a little difficult, but it was interesting for me to know world's ocurrence.

I thought that I want to know about it, but my knoelege of world things was very low...

Now I cannot study about it, but I can study it during spring vacation.

When I come home from Colorado, I think I want to meet Mr,Suikou. Word that I say must carry out!!(←有言実行と言いたかった。間違ってるかも・・・〔トホホ〕)


You can watch 鬼平犯科帳's TV on Tuseday every week!! I think that you should watch this TV.

We can learn humanity and obligation and we can touch some warmth of human people.

Thse day, Japanese people became cruel and they can kill people and cheat people without scruple.

I think that Japanese people forget about warmth of people.

I think that this cause relate with depression. All over the economy is very bad, and crimes are increasing.

If 長谷川平蔵 is in the present Japan, he must be catch villan(悪人)very easily.

I hope that person who is like 長谷川平蔵 appears someday.


This book was very interesting.

ぼんくら was written by Miyuki Miyabe. She wrote ''Brave Story''.

I liked Edo age's story. Edo age's story is very interesting because Edo age is different from present.

You know that I like 鬼平犯科帳. 長谷川平蔵 is very cool, genius and considerrate.

He was 火付盗賊改方. This job is present's top police officer.

I respect him because he often watchs the world go by and person and he know that he must do now.

I want to be such him!!!!!!!

This cake was made by 孫san♪ 12/23

This cake was made by 孫san who works at restaurant where I work part-time as a clerk.

He is cook and makes cake very well.

I and my grandmather ate this strawberry cake after I finished to wark part-time and came home.

My grandmather said...

''This cake is very delicious!! Strawberry is very sweet. Someday I want to make such cake.''

I said to her...

''I also want to make it, but I'd rather cook than make cake. It is difficult for me to make cake.''

Most girls make delicious cake for their boyfriend, so I want to learn how to make cake.


Today was Christmas Carol!! It was very nice. This picture was painted by Jordan!

This picture is also very nice. I think good that I entered this college because I can take part in this event.

This event made me happy. I am not Christian, but it is nice for me to join in this event.

I ate some doughnut after this event finished. I enjoy to talk with my friend as I eat some doughnut.

I had a good time.

After that, I went to eat dinner with my family. Today was very nice.


I and Miku went to MOZAIKU!

I visit there for the first time.

I watched nice view. I felt good that I went to there.

When we finished to eat dinner at びっくりドンキー and got out there, I happened a stupid thing...I mistook that the wall is door.

Miku laughed !!!

I was ashamed to occur this happening. I felt that I was stupid!

I think I want to be adult...














I bought リラックマ with Miku!

Miku is リラックマ believer, so I must believe in リラックマ教.




I and Miku went to RUMINARIE!! It was very beautiful♪

There were many couple....... ,

But, we enjoyed to see it!!






ルミナリエ サイコー!!!!!!!









I borrowed this book. (Part8)

I borrowed this book.


I borrowed this book. (Part7)&感想!

This book is very interesting!

I think lucky if my picture get old instead of me, but the happenning is very terrible.

I think eternal life and youth must not exsit.

I want to recommend this book to person who like mystery.